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Here you will find all of my

 secular and biblical books,

text books and novels

There are lots of Andrew Harrisons out there, so don’t get me mixed up with someone else!  The majority of my text books are written for the teaching of English as a Foreign or a Second Language, and the majority of the novels are based on Eschatology (the Last Days).  For an easier time locating a particular book please see the navigation buttons below.


The text book ‘The Culmination of all Things’ covers all prophetic references to the Last Days, and examines them within their immediate context and also within the context of the whole Bible.  It suggests a chronology of events that remains faithful to the entire Bible and has no contradictions.  The most complex textual analyses are set out in the appendices, where you will also find a very helpful chronological summary of events.

The Culmination of All Things

Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9781976928734

The Culmination of all Things

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9781976928734

This book covers the entire topic of the Last Days as recorded in the Holy Bible. It uses every biblical passage that is undoubtedly related to our future. ‘The Culmination of all things’ is all you need to start you off on your own journey of getting to grips with eschatology, enabling you to use a sound knowledge of the relevant scriptures from which to assess the various common theories of Christian scholars.
The content of this book allows for a variety of interpretations within a literal understanding. Very detailed background textual information about specific passages and dilemmas are analysed in a variety of articles in the Appendices too.
This book is a must for every church library as Christians should be turning their attention to what the Bible itself says rather than unquestioningly trusting the regurgitated opinions of yesteryear.


The novels below it are a series, following the life of Michelle Carter and her associates. ‘As Time Approaches’ begins today; Chris and Michelle are university graduates who are considering marriage in a world where global tragedies are increasing, causing chaos.  ‘Time Will Tell’ sees a world where God’s wrath is unleashed and Satan appears to have a field day.  ‘Death and Hades’ follows on from this and Michelle leads a team of lost souls in an Old Mill in Cornwall where a murder takes place.  ‘The Mark of the Beast’ deals with the activities of the Antichrist.  This latter book also is incorporated into ‘Joanna’s Daybreak’ in a different format, but the story then continues into the beginning of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ on Earth.

As Time Approaches

Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9781973460572

Time Will Tell

Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9781520565286

Death and Hades

Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9781521916070

The Mark of The Beast

Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9781973574835

Joanna's Daybreak

Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9781717772855

As Time Approaches

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9781973460572

Chris arrives in Xi’an, China. He needs time away from his home in England while he thinks through his relationship with Michelle. Now they have graduated from Chester University, should they get married? What will the future hold for them? Can they really settle down and live a normal life in a World plagued by earthquakes, disease and disaster? The Watchers covertly observe the events worldwide; they are angels responsible for the welfare of the Chosen Ones, and Chris is one of them. But will Michelle respond before it is too late? This novel covers a period of fifteen years, from now until the end of the World as we know it, the end of our present era. The story follows the lives of Chris, Michelle and their families until the Great Removal of the Chosen Ones from the Earth. But will this event be a time of brilliant light, or a time of deep darkness? I offer this novel to you with the hope that you will begin a voyage of discovery and engage with the many mysteries of life.

Time Will Tell

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9781520565286

One era comes to a close and another one begins. The Chosen Ones are taken from Planet Earth and the rest are left behind. The birth of this era is a painful one, one in which the remaining inhabitants of the World are dead, dying, or stunned into a zombie-like state. Michelle and her little daughter Tina are among those traumatised mortals.
Most facilities and telecommunication networks are destroyed as a huge proportion of the World’s population disappears into the clouds, leaving gaping holes in governments, health services and day to day resources. Adding to this dilemma is the impending judgement coming from the Creator himself in response to all the crime, greed, malice and deception that took place in the previous era. The spilling of innocent blood and the robbing of the poor will no longer be ignored.
We follow the progress of the World’s remaining inhabitants for a year, as they strive for survival. But is it too late for them? Is there no longer any hope? Time will tell.

Death and Hades

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9781521916070

This story is set in the south of England two years after the close of the previous era and the Great Removal of the chosen ones from Planet Earth. Stonehenge, an ancient monument eight miles north of Salisbury in Wiltshire has quickly become a city in its own right, and from this new city, witchcraft and paganism have spread throughout the British Isles. The ancient stone circle of Stonehenge, believed to be a harbour of potent supernatural power, has been a draw to countless settlers who have built their homes as close as possible to the site. London has become a ghost city since the fragmentation of the British Government, and its close proximity to the North Sea which was polluted with a red chemical due to a huge meteor falling into it, killing all the fish. As a result, London City quickly deteriorated. A hundred and fifty miles from Stonehenge City lies an old mill on the southern edge of Bodmin Moor (‘Goen Bren’ in the Cornish language) in the County of Cornwall near the southwestern coast of England where the sea is still fresh. This old mill is home to eleven adults and four children. It is a bit overcrowded, but they have lived and worked well together ..… until now!

The Mark of The Beast

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9781973574835

The Mark of the Beast brings us to most of the final and worst disasters to effect Planet Earth. Amongst the most prominent characters throughout the four novels are Michelle and Tina Carter, Barry Peterson and Venessa, and their primary opponent Christaff Oliver (The Beast) whom Michelle met briefly in London while Christaff was a baby and Michelle was yet to be married to her husband Chris Carter. Christaff has already indirectly affected Michelle and her family and friends since that first meeting in London, from Lucy’s involvement in the death of her first child Jasmine, to Gustav and Bridget’s conspiracies in connection with Mayor Grey and Stonehenge City. In this book, we see a more direct influence from Christaff upon Michelle, but her second child Tina fights, not only on behalf of her loved ones, but also on behalf of everyone due to inherit the New Earth.
This fourth book begins with the Jewess Joanna who is hosting a meeting at the most crucial juncture in the history of humankind. To all intents and purposes it seems that the END has come, and in a sense it has. By natural means, it is indeed impossible for the World to recover from the catastrophes that have pounded it; the only hope is for the Creator to intervene with a wondrous miracle.
The Great Removal, recorded at the end of As Time Approaches and the beginning of Time Will Tell, signalled the end of an era. The Mark of the Beast records what follows.

Joanna's Daybreak

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9781717772855

The armies of the whole World are ready to attack Jerusalem to usher in a new World order governed by King Christaff and the Dragon. Only the King of kings can conquer Christaff the Beast and his hordes; only the King of kings can deliver the Jewish race on this day, the long awaited Day of the Lord.This is the Battle of all battles, Satan’s desperate attempt at conquering the Creator’s Son and his Chosen Ones. Joanna, a Jewess, remains with her people in the City of Jerusalem, awaiting what she expects to be the annihilation of her people.

Not Suitable for Children

The novel, ‘Tilly’s Tearoom Mysteries’ can be enjoyed by English speakers, whether English is their first language or not.  It concerns a manager of a café called Tilly who seems to have a very uncanny knowledge of the background of people who enter the tearoom.  Cases are resolved and that comes in the form of restitution, painful or otherwise.

Tilly's Tearoom Mysteries

Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9798847390101

Tilly's Tearoom Mysteries

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9798847390101

Tilly is no ordinary person. Everyone who enters her tearoom comes to realise this pretty quickly. We all have secrets, but Tilly is not only privy to yours, she also knows exactly what to do about them!
The idea for Tilly’s Tearoom Mysteries came to me in April 2020 during the first coronavirus pandemic lockdown. My wife and I were house-sitting for friends in the village of Kelsall in Cheshire for a few months and some of the scenes in the story are based on the Kelsall and Willington area. This story deals with normal people, sometimes people who have done abominable things. Tilly’s Tearoom addresses the elephant in the room like a creeping angel of judgement; sometimes it is an act of vengeance, and sometimes it is a case of redressing the balance. It may even be an emotional healing or simply a chance to resolve those complex issues or make amends. Even though this book has a unique story in each chapter, it also describes a logical sequence of events, as a sub-storyline runs parallel throughout, connecting the dots along the way. This connecting thread comes in the form of a small group of investigators who are keen to solve the mysteries surrounding Tilly’s Tearoom. But will they succeed in solving the puzzle of Tilly and her tearoom mysteries?


The following two ESOL books each contain a broad selection of English texts:  Play scripts, Dialogues, Short Stories, Extracts from English Literature, Poetic Writing, Essays and much more.  They are all accompanied by additional notes, glossaries, analyses and tasks for students of English language, to equip them for speaking and writing in a variety of contexts.

ESOL/EFL Texts for Universities

Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9798389289659

ESOL/EFL Texts for Universities Book 2

Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9798391519706

ESOL/EFL Texts for Universities

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9798389289659

Having researched and created so much literature for the teaching of English in universities, it seemed a good idea to write a single book of fair size that included a very broad selection of texts for students, whether they are studying English in the UK or abroad. Within its pages I have therefore included dialogues, short stories, extracts from English Literature, playscripts, poetic works, articles and essays. Throughout, additional notes, glossaries and tasks have been given to enable students to digest the texts before using them as a springboard for their own dialogues, scripts, stories and further research. It is however not a beginner’s manual, nor a linguist’s paradise; it is a very practical selection for the studious learner of another language, constructed specifically for those who are studying English as a second or foreign language with a reasonable degree of proficiency. It is an excellent tool for teachers too who can hereby avoid endless hours searching for suitable texts, from a variety of genres, to captivate the interest of their students.

ESOL/EFL Texts for Universities Book 2

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9798391519706

Having researched and created so much literature for the teaching of English in universities, it seemed a good idea to write a couple of books that included a very broad selection of texts for students, whether they are studying English in the UK or abroad. Within the pages of Book 2, I have therefore included dialogues, short stories, extracts from English Literature, playscripts, academic essays and even sample texts for a job application. Throughout, additional notes, glossaries and tasks have been given to enable students to digest the texts before using them as a springboard for their own dialogues, scripts, stories and further research. It is however not a beginner’s manual, nor a linguist’s paradise; it is a very practical selection for the studious learner of another language, constructed specifically for those who are studying English as a second or foreign language with a reasonable degree of proficiency. It is an excellent tool for teachers too who can hereby avoid endless hours searching for suitable texts, from a variety of genres, to captivate the interest of their students.

Available in China for teaching English as a foreign language

The following books cover a broad selection of English texts:  Play scripts, Dialogues, Stories, Extracts from English Literature, Poetic Writing, Essays and much more.  They are accompanied by additional notes, glossaries, analyses and tasks for students of English language, to equip them for speaking and writing in a variety of contexts. The introductions within the books are given in both English and Chinese, except for the novel 滴答滴答, which is a contemporary story written specifically for Chinese students to introduce them to western culture and cross-cultural communication.


Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9787561242759

跟安迪学英语系列 1 在英国说地道英语

Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9787561254868
This can be obtained on Taobao or from the publisher.

跟安迪学英语系列 2 英国文学选读

Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9787561272251
This can be obtained on Taobao or from the publisher.

跟安迪学英语系列 3 英文短篇小说

Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9787561274729
This can be obtained on Taobao or from the publisher.

跟安迪学英语系列 4 角色扮演和表演英文剧本

Andrew Harrison
ISBN: 9787561279410
This can be obtained on Taobao or from the publisher.


As Time Approaches

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9787561242759

跟安迪学英语系列 1 在英国说地道英语

English with Andy 1: Speaking Native English in the UK

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9787561254868

This can be obtained on Taobao or from the publisher.

跟安迪学英语系列 2 英国文学选读

English with Andy 2: Selected Extracts from English Literature

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9787561272251

This can be obtained on Taobao or from the publisher.

跟安迪学英语系列 3 英文短篇小说

English with Andy 3: Short Stories in English

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9787561274729

This can be obtained on Taobao or from the publisher.

跟安迪学英语系列 4 角色扮演和表演英文剧本

English with Andy 4: Playscripts for Roleplay and Performance in English

Andrew Harrison

ISBN: 9787561279410

This can be obtained on Taobao or from the publisher.