Our Founders

Kathy and Andy Harrison, both state school teachers, have had a calling to the Far East most of their life. Kathy first served in Hong Kong and China in 1980-1981, Andy’s first visit to Hong Kong and China was in 1998 to join an orphanage team in Changsha. Since then, their two youngest children (Lyd and Josh) have visited China many times with them and spent years living and serving there. Kathy and Andy began their full time ministries after studying at BBI, their first position being with FEBV to do mission in British rural communities. Andy has also Pastored two evangelical churches.
While living in the Far East, full time, for 11 years, the Harrisons set up Innocent Dove, which became very well respected among university students and welfare centres to which they regularly took their students, having trained them. The Innocent Dove teams worked well to prepare suitable educational activities and life experience opportunities for orphans of all ages and abilities. Innocent Dove funded all trips for the orphans, and all resources for their well-prepared activities.
Doctrinal Statement
The Bible
The Bible, comprising the Old and New Testaments, is the supreme authority on all matters, including informing us who the one true God is, how humans can be saved, and how to live for Christ. The Bible is the only book in existence on Earth that is totally trustworthy, as it is completely inspired by God. Anything that contradicts the Bible’s teaching is error. The following doctrinal statements on GOD, SALVATION and LIVING FOR CHRIST are all founded in the Scriptures (the BIBLE).
There is only one true God in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man, yet without sin. He was born of the virgin Mary, was crucified, dead and buried. He then rose from the dead, bodily, on the third day, and appeared to many on Earth before ascending into Heaven. He will come back a second time in the future, but not as a baby. He will then judge the living and the dead. God is eternal, perfect, and is the Creator of all things. He is not a created being. There is no other true God. Worshiping any other God is idolatry.
Humans can only receive eternal life while they are alive in the body, and that is only through God’s Son Jesus Christ, who suffered and died on the cross and atoned for our sins, so that all who believe on him can be forgiven and saved from the consequences of their sin. Salvation cannot be earned; it is given by the grace of God. At the point of receiving Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit who brings us new birth. Thereafter, we can walk with God during our life in the body, and enter Heaven after death as we have eternal life. Therefore, salvation is only possible through Jesus Christ, and whoever is not saved on Earth, will enter Hell after death for eternal punishment.
Living for Christ
Although it is our faith in Jesus that grants us eternal life, that faith is evident by our lifestyle. Christians should live according to God’s instructions in the Bible. As we are weak and imperfect, the Holy Spirit will help us in our determination to serve Christ. A spiritually healthy life is essential, so in addition to living in a moral and law-abiding manner, we should regularly read Scriptures (the Bible), pray, have fellowship with other Christians, and be a witness to unbelievers. True Christians (those who are saved) are united into one body, the Church. The Church, as the Bride of Christ, will be married to Jesus after the Day of Judgement. Human marriage between one man one female is the only God-given and true form for marriage on Earth, and God does not permit sexual intimacy between members of the same sex. God created humans to be male and female. We can choose to remain single or be married. True marriage is the only place for sexual intimacy and is the basis of family life.
We are baptised as a sign of our forgiveness and new birth. We share the bread and wine to remember when Christ’s body was broken and his blood shed on the cross, something Jesus willingly endured to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Please visit our services information for more information about what we do and the services we provide to help you in your ministry and outreach projects.